KPLUのサイトに載っていたコラムニスト Knute Berger さんのコラム『8 simple rules for staying sane in Seattle (now the rain is back)』 <シアトルで正気を保つための簡単な8つの方法(雨も戻ってきたことだし)>が爆笑だったので、一部をご紹介します。
1.Don't move here in the summer.
Year after year folks move here at the end of the school year.In July and August, their eyes twinkle, their skin tans, they wonder what all that rain stuff is about. By year's end, they are on the verge of breaking, transformed into vitamin D-deficient SADD-sacks water boarded by winter. Sadistically, you take pleasure in informing them that the rain will stop — next June.
2.Avoid your neighbors.
You didn't move here for people, did you? Most everyone else moved here to get away from them.
(シアトルに友人を作りに来たわけじゃないですよね? むしろ、人を避けるために引っ越して来たんですよね?)
3.You can't be too utopian.
Pick the candidate with the biggest ideals, the most inflated sense of mission and purpose: they usually win.
4.Cultivate a superior attitude.
Portland? Stuck in the '90s. Vancouver? Hah, they're stuck in Canada. Tacoma? We don't even make jokes about them anymore. Bellevue? Where's that? Seattle is too busy, too full of big ideas to care about anyone else.
(ポートランド?まだ90年代を引きずってる町ですね。バンクーバー?カナダに引きずられてるじゃない。タコマ? タコマはもはや、ちょっと冗談のネタにもなりません。ベルビュー? 何それ? シアトルは忙しすぎて、壮大な計画で頭が一杯だから、ほかの町なんか相手にしているヒマはないんです。)
5.Forget the weather report.
Cloudy. Windy. Rainy. What else do you need to know? Ignore the weather reports. Read or listen to Cliff Mass for the why, not the what.
(曇り、風あり、雨、以上。ほかにどんな情報が必要なんですか? 天気予報は無視して、Cliff Mass 氏のブログや解説で、「なぜ」こんな天気になるかを知りましょう。)
6.Don't buy summer or winter clothes.
Go for the year-round Nordstrom suit, the all-season North Face jacket, the hoodie that looks soggy wet or dry, good boots. You don't need stuff you'll wear only two days per year.
7.Don't think about the Big One.
Someday, Mother Nature will gob-smack us big time. It could be tomorrow, it could be 500 years from now. It's best to be in denial, so forget I said anything about Seattle being one of the most dangerous places to live in America, a modern Pompeii-in-waiting.
8.Peek through the Cascade Curtain.
The great, under-utilized sanity-izer is to flee the wetside for the dryside of the mountains sometimes. The other half of the state has things we don't have: sunshine, dust devils, big sky, stars, vineyards, Republicans.